Internet Business Solutions, Inc. Presents

The Fix Your Website 3-Day Challenge

Discover the most common mistakes that website owners make and how to fix them so that your website can work for you instead of against you and bring in more clients and revenue each and every day...

Enrollment for this class is currently open. Join this class now by enrolling above or be the first in line to join when the waitlist opens.


Internet Business Solutions, Inc. Presents

The Fix Your Website 3-Day Challenge

Discover the most common mistakes that website owners make and how to fix them so that your website can work for you instead of against you and bring in more clients and revenue each and every day...

Enrollment for this class is currently open. Join this class now by enrolling above or be the first in line to join when the waitlist opens.

Participate In A Game Changing 3 Day Challenge July 20-22nd, 2021
1-hour a day from 7:30 - 8:30 PM EST

Participate In A Game Changing 3 Day Challenge July 20-22nd, 2021
1-hour a day from 7:30 - 8:30 PM EST

Take The Challenge

Discover The Website Issues You Don't Even Know Are Costing You

Your website is your most valuable business tool, learn how to turn it into a well oiled machine.

Commit To The Time

1hr/day x 3 Day Commitment To Attend the Challenge

1-2 hrs per day for 3 days. You can't afford to NOT attend this if you own a website.

Final Result

A Proven Roadmap to A High Converting Website

Don't try to reinvent the wheel...
Learn the website strategies that multi-billion corporations use that you can put into use right away in your business.

This Class Is For

Website Owners Looking To Generate More Leads or Revenue

Whether you have had a website for years or just starting one, you'll walk a way knowing more about creating a successful website than ever before.

Transform the way your POTENTIAL Customers/CLIENTS VIEW YOUR BUSINESS
Learn How to Fix Your Website and Create One That:
Your Customers Love...Google Loves...and YOU Love.
During this 3-day event, learn the importance of your website and how to get the most out of it. These are the EXACT secrets and strategies we use to help our clients grow their businesses via their website/digital marketing.
Transform the way your POTENTIAL Customers/CLIENTS VIEW YOUR BUSINESS
Learn How to Fix Your Website and Create One That:
Your Customers Love...Google Loves...and YOU Love.
During this 3-day class, learn the importance of your website and how to get the most out of it. These are the EXACT secrets and strategies we use to help our clients grow their businesses via their website/digital marketing.
Genesis believes people don't just buy on launch day...

Instead they buy every day with - their time, their clicks and posts and tweets - this is big data.

Understanding how to use big data allows us to be bigger than the competition, and it allows us to make a bigger impact.
Challenge Community
Access to the Fix Your Website Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other small business owners who are excited to learn how to take control of their website strategy. 
Lead Generation Offers
You will learn the secrets to making your website a money machine. Lead generation is the key to building your business and a list of people who want to buy from you.
The Big 3
Learn to create a high converting website which will become the foundation of your business' success. When you have a website your customers love, Google loves, and you love, you will have a business that is sustainable and scalable. 
The "fortune 500" Template
You will learn the secret strategies and tactics Fortune 500 Companies use to make their website their lead salesperson.
MOney Loves Speed
You will not only learn the HOW  but also the WHY and create a clear and refined marketing plan to bring money to your business NOW.
Join the Challenge
Grab your ticket and join the challenge  today!
3 days. perfectly structured.
Learn to design your business' website with your customer, Google, and yourself in mindThe strategies we teach have made our clients millions of dollars. We will give you the step-by-step instructions to implement these high level tactics on your own without having to split your profits and rely on a marketing company. 
Learn to design your business' website with your customer, Google, and yourself in mindThe strategies we teach have made our clients millions of dollars. We will give you the step-by-step instructions to implement these high level tactics on your own without having to split your profits and rely on a marketing company. 
Improve your skills drastically through in-depth training sessions, projects, Q & A, and feedback sessions.
These world-class tactics being presented to you will give your business the opportunity to level up in your local market.
Over the three day event, you will learn to create a site that:
  • Your CUSTOMERS love
  • ​GOOGLE loves
  • ​YOU (the business owner) love
Day 1: Building a Site Your CUSTOMERS Love
On the first day, you will now understand how and why Fortune 500 companies set up their website in a certain way.
  •  Multi-Billion Dollar Website Template Layout
  •  Prepare Your Messaging to Make Your Product/Service Desirable (Writing Your WHY)
  • Position Your Imagery   
  •  Above the Fold (and What that Even Means)
Day 2: Building a Site GOOGLE Loves
On the second day, you will now know what Google looks for to rank your business' website over your competition.
  •  On Page Clues (Word Count, Page Speed, Etc.)
  •  Importance of Keywords (& What Money Keywords Are)
  • The Perfect Webpage Layout - Wiki Example          
  •  Helpful Tools and Plugins
Day 3: Building a Site YOU Love / Recap
On the last day, you will learn to create a website that converts visitors into leads & bring everything together.
  • How to Turn Website Visitors into Buying Customers
  • The Fundamentals of Forms and Best Practices
  • ​Call-To-Action (CTA) Optimization
  • ​Creating "Cash Cow" Landing Pages
  • ​ Live Examples
  • ​​Lead Gen, Core Product, & Premium Value Offers
Learn From The Best

Michael Gall

During this class you will learn closely how our small business clients have completely reinvented their digital marketing and exponentially grown their businesses! Whether you are a new business owner looking to take control of your local market or your company has been around for 50 years, you are going to gain knowledge about digital marketing and website tactics you didn't know existed.

Mike has been working in the digital marketing for the past 25 years. His expertise has grown hundreds of businesses across the country and completely changed the lives of the business owners forever. 

Learn From The Best

Michael Gall

During this class you will learn closely how our small business clients have completely reinvented their digital marketing and exponentially grown their businesses! Whether you are a new business owner looking to take control of your local market or your company has been around for 50 years, you are going to gain knowledge about digital marketing and website tactics you didn't know existed.

A New Kind Of Challenge
I know what you are probably thinking. "Oh brother, not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge!" Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge, it is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand 3-day training designed to help you understand high level website tactics so well that it becomes your number one sales person....autonomously! 

Do you think cutting prices gives your business a "competitive edge?" Were you told by digital marketing companies that you need to have a discount offer for them to create business for you? There is a better way!! In this training you will find out the best ways to generate business online through your high-converting website! (Not to mention the priceless strategies you will use over the lifetime of your business.)
A New Kind Of Challenge
I know what you are probably thinking. "Oh brother, not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge!" Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge, it is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand 3-day training designed to help you understand high level website tactics so well that it becomes your number one sales person....autonomously! 

Do you think cutting prices gives your business a "competitive edge?" Were you told by digital marketing companies that you need to have a discount offer for them to create business for you? There is a better way!! In this training you will find out the best ways to generate business online through your high-converting website! (Not to mention the priceless strategies you will use over the lifetime of your business.)
Challenges Create Champions, Are You Up For A Challenge?
Why this challenge?
Remember, everything that feels good isn't good and everything that feels bad isn't bad! Sometimes the best way to learn and master a new skill is to have a challenge to overcome! The challenges that life sometimes throws our way are the very things that make us strong enough to stay "there" when we get "there". (Regardless of where "there" is for us).

Allow me to introduce you to some of our clients who trusted the process and were up for the challenge...
Both Expert And Community Support...
Share your struggles and massive wins within the Fix Your Website community. Empower your expectations, eliminate your excuses and explode with execution with the Fix Your Website Challenge!

Imagine being surrounded by supportive and like-minded business owners who are on the same mission to grow their business and live the life they want.. Imagine having coaches and mentors who have done millions of dollars in revenue for a multitude of businesses in different niches, pulling back the curtain and showing you the secrets that are only known by the experts.. Imagine being able to implement what you learn into your business so you can stop paying a digital marketing company to run YOUR COMPANY that you built from the ground.

Take this challenge knowing what we teach you over the course of 3 short days may very well change your business forever...
Imagine Creating Your High Converting Website During The Challenge And For Years After It Ends...
Everything that you learn during the challenge will give you a competitive advantage over your competition immediately.

You will learn how to make a website that: 
1. Your Customers Love! - The customer is king! Having a website that your customer can easily navigate, understand, and enjoy will be directly proportionate to the money your website generates.

2. Google Loves! - Getting the traffic to your site is half the battle. We will teach you strategies to rank on Google without having to pay a digital marketing agency.

3. YOU Love! - The most important part... The #1 reason you decided to start your business...GENERATE REVENUE.

Live Challenge Times...Tues-Thurs July July 20-22nd, 2021
The Recordings Will Be In The Facebook Group Until Sunday Night 7/25/21 At 11:59pm

You Must Attend Live! Don't Rely on the Recordings!

There Are 2 Ways To Experience The Challenge...

Live Challenge Times...Tues-Thurs July July 20-22nd, 2021
The Recordings Will Be In The Facebook Group Until Sunday Night 7/25/21 At 11:59pm

You Must Attend Live! Don't Rely on the Recordings!

There Are 2 Ways To Step Up To The Challenge...

General Admission Experience

  • ​3 Days Of Website Optimization Training With Digital Marketing Expert & Internet Business Solutions, Inc. CEO, Michael Gall
  • ​​Access To The Fix Your Website Facebook Group
  • ​Dominate The Marketplace And Crush Your Local Competition With High Level Strategies
  • ​​Learn How To Make Your Website Your Business' #1 Salesperson

VIP Experience

  • ​3 Days Of Website Optimization Training With Digital Marketing Expert & Internet Business Solutions, Inc. CEO, Michael Gall
  • Access To The Fix Your Website Facebook Group
  • ​​​Dominate The Marketplace And Crush Your Local Competition With High Level Strategies
  • ​​​Learn How To Make Your Website Your Business' #1 Salesperson
  • ​​How To Position Your Product/Service on Your Website To Generate Revenue
  • ​Personalized In-Depth Website Audit
  • ​Bonus Video Course Overview Of All Aspects Of Digital Marketing To Give Your Business An Edge In Your Local Market 
  • ​VIP Pre Game Via Zoom Q&A Plus High Level Coaching For Your Current Website

Choose Your Ticket

Choose Your Ticket

7:30-8:30pm EST

General Adminssion

Yes, I'm IN!


6:30-8:30pm EST

VIP Experience

Yes, I'm IN!


still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is this class for?
Small business owners that are tired of outsourcing the most important aspect of their business...marketing! If you are a business owner looking to gain a competitive advantage on your competition while also learning high level strategies and tactics that will never lose importance, then this class is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?
Business owners looking for the "quick fix" to all of their digital marketing problems. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books, and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about growing your business but not serious, please don't waste your money or our time. 
Q: How much is the training?
There are 2 ways to participate in the Fix Your Website Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom pre-game show with Q&A and VIP Coaching with digital marketing expert, Michael Gall.
Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on websites?
While we do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services, this is our premiere content on website optimization and the first time I've created a challenge live or otherwise.
Q: Are the challenge classes live?
Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group (the recordings will be live in the Facebook group until Sunday night July 25th at 11:59pm. At that time they will be permanently removed.)
Q: How does the 3 day challenge work?
Each day we will have a training complete with a Q&A session in the evening that way you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided and ask questions in the evening should you have any.
Q: Will I get direct feedback from Michael?
Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. With that being said, your questions will more than likely be asked by someone in the VIP Experience. 



Become the POWER HOUSE Company in Your Local Market and Refine Your Business' Website in Just 3 Days.

Become the POWER HOUSE Company in Your Local Market and Refine Your Business' Website in Just 3 Days.

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